A little bit of everything called life...

A little bit of everything called life....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What it's all about

So here I go! My first blog! A place to post my recipes, tips, ideas, juicing tips, fashion ideas, you name it! I love to learn new things and I look forward to hearing back from visitors of my blog.


  1. Love you Mrs. Vaden! <3 <3

  2. Love it!!! I need some movatiation on eating healthy & juicing, but it just seems like so much work!!!

    1. Danielle I will help you, what part seems like the most work? You can juice and freeze it or store it. Let me know how I can help. It has to work for you and there is really no wrong way!

    2. Questions??? ... Where do I start, With juicing am I just getting fresh fruit & Veggies? Can I add sugars or anything like that to them? With the gluten free am at a complete lost and don't know where to start???... Please help!!!!

    3. ok lets tackle the juicing. You will not need to add sugar but better yet get the right combination of fruit and veggie. Fruits have natural sugar so you dont want to add calories. I think to start you will want or need recipes or you may just want to do smoothies that combine the fruits and veggies. I can post some recipes for you to try or you can start with the green monster smoothie I posted this morning. Your girls will love it and it is so packed with all healthy things. Ok with gluten free, just change one thing each week. Are you just wanting to do this to be healthier or are you having digestive issues? If you are just trying to be healthier then start with replacing white pasta with a healthier grain such as quinoa pasta or whole grain quinoa. They also make tofu noodles by shiratake that are really good I promise. Remember you want to make this a life change and not just a fad that you try so keep it simple. Let me know if you have something specific that you would like to replace and I can tell you a healthier substitute.

  3. I am so proud of you :) Great job on the blog.

  4. Love the one stop idea. I get frustrated with computer issues, so this is an easy way to access some inspirational wisdom all in one site. Yes, I agree, living well is not an easy endeavor, but we need to strive for healthy living so we can reach a maximum existence.Eating well and exercising are imperative. I will add to the recipe a good sense of humor. Often, as women we are great at taking care of others, but in the process we forget to take care of ourselves. In order to help others we need to be in top shape, physically and emotionally. Happy living, make the most out of life!!!!
